Fake Image Exploiter Framework || The Noob Friendly Function
I'm Spirited wolf as you all know and i'm uploading something after a long because i was busy with my fucking life.
![[Image: 1f642.png]](https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v8/f4c/1/16/1f642.png)
Today we are gonna discuss about one more awesome framework from SSA team i.e FakeImageExploiter.
CodeName: Metamorphosis
Version release: v1.3 (Stable)
Author: pedro ubuntu [ r00t-3xp10it ]
Distros Supported : Linux Ubuntu, Kali, Mint, Parrot OS
Suspicious-Shell-Activity© (SSA) RedTeam develop @2017
The author does not hold any responsibility for the bad use of this tool,
remember that attacking targets without prior consent it's illegal and punished by law.
This module takes one existing image.jpg and one payload.ps1 (input by user) and
builds a new payload (agent.jpg.exe) that if executed it will trigger the download of
the 2 previous files stored into apache2 (image.jpg + payload.ps1) and execute them.
This module also changes the agent.exe Icon to match one file.jpg Then uses the spoof
'Hide extensions for known file types' method to hidde the agent.exe extension.
All payloads (user input) will be downloaded from our apache2 webserver
and executed into target RAM. The only extension (payload input by user)
that requires to write payload to disk are .exe binaries.
Today we will check "The Noob Friendly Function".
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